1.5 Year Old Doesn't Like Stuffed Animals

1.5 Year Old Doesn't Like Stuffed Animals

fourteen months old not interested in stuffed animals

(fourteen Posts)

bunny85 Sat 28-Jan-17 14:50:21

Hello all

I am curious to know if any other children of my son's age (14.5 mo) never plays/hugs with whatsoever stuffed animal? He's really absolutely indifferent, he doesn't even touch them, let along cuddle a teddy comport. At get-go I didn't think much of information technology, but I received a routine developmental questionnaire from our wellness visitor and ane of the questions relates to this, whether he cuddles a blimp beast. Otherwise his evolution seems normal, he'south even ahead on quite a few things, chats a lot, early walker etc. Simply wondering if whatsoever of you experienced the aforementioned with their lo?

Many thanks in accelerate.

PastysPrincess Sat 28-January-17 fourteen:53:42

My son is 2 years 9 months and it's probably only the last 2-3 months he has been interested in soft toys.

AllTheLight Sat 28-Jan-17 17:30:30

My DS1 was never interested in soft toys. He's 11 now and doing fine!

CobsAhoy Saturday 28-Jan-17 19:39:13

DD ignored them completely until 16months and is now obsessed with them.

Witchend Sabbatum 28-Jan-17 22:47:45

Dd1 wasn't bothered, dd2 was scared, ds adored them.

Flingmoo Saturday 28-January-17 22:51:13

My 2.v year erstwhile has never been particularly interested apart from his cuddly bunny which is more than like a comfort blanket to him, and doesn't get played with every bit such.

I don't think there'due south anything unusual nigh non liking them. They don't do anything entertaining and until kids start to get a more active imagination there'southward not much they can do with them. They're well-nigh no different from a cushion or a woolly jumper in terms of boringness! You tin't stack them or gyre them or press whatsoever buttons etc!

Kr1stina Sat 28-Jan-17 22:52:xxx

Some kids don't similar the texture. One of my kids hated toys made of fur, she only liked ones made of towelling.

ASqueakingInTheShrubbery Sat 28-January-17 22:53:15

DD has tons of the bloody things and was oblivious until she was about 18 months, when her auntie bought her one in a charity shop. She's barely let go of it since. We had to find a spare ane on eBay in instance of emergencies. Now she's 3 and sets up elaborate storylines with them, reading books to each other, having picnics, this one isn't immune in her bed considering he doesn't listen, that i wants socks on considering her feet are common cold, this one wants to slumber in Mummy's bed, those cats want to swallow the building blocks...

bunny85 Sabbatum 28-January-17 23:28:54

Thanks everyone! Oh that's a relief! Good to know there's nothing unusual about that. Funny how nosotros always associate young children with soft toys and teddy bears, and in reality they may not even be bothered. I do hope he'll change his mind though, firstly because he has most a thousand of them grinand secondly I find it so cute when they go attached to a teddy or bunny. I've already got all of them ready to be dropped off to a charity shop, now I improve hold out a bit longer. Nosotros shall run into!

Kiwiinkits Wed xv-Feb-17 22:03:49

Child ane has never been remotely interested.

kid 2 was not interested until 3, and now plays with her teddies often. She likes the small-scale ones she can carry around the most.

pillowcase6 Wed 15-February-17 23:22:21

My two sons have never played with or cared well-nigh stuffed toys. They loved playing with little figurines and 'people' (e.g. Happy state figurines from ELC) from near eighteen months but never teddies.

My youngest who's 2.5 and a girl quite likes teddies to cuddle in bed simply doesn't really play with them as such. She likes activities like puzzles and books more than.


Thecomfortador Thu 16-Feb-17 14:45:09

My xiv mo ds will occasionally pick upwardly one of the larger teds (he besides has about grand haha) and give information technology a practiced squeeze but otherwise he is indifferent. But so he's also just realising that things with wheels don't have to exist picked upward and carried. I recollect it takes time to piece of work out the concept of dissimilar toys / objects.

Manijo Thu sixteen-Feb-17 15:03:12

DD was never interested whereas DS was and yet has his fav in his bedchamber, He's 16 now. Simply depends on the child

AllTheBabies Thu 16-Feb-17 15:06:12

I think they are a massive con when marketed at babies.

Dd1 didn't pay them any attention at all until she was about 3.

Dd2 is 12 months and picks them up and carries them effectually only it's definitely not playing.

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1.5 Year Old Doesn't Like Stuffed Animals

Source: https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/behaviour_development/2839971-14-months-old-not-interested-in-stuffed-animals


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